Official Innauguration
This Sunday (Mothers’ day in Brazil as well as in the US) was the official inauguration of the Ebenezer Church’s new building. Throughout the day people from the church were sending me pictures. Here are a few of them…
This Sunday (Mothers’ day in Brazil as well as in the US) was the official inauguration of the Ebenezer Church’s new building. Throughout the day people from the church were sending me pictures. Here are a few of them…
Here’s another glimpse into the day-to-day life of a missionary in Brazil. For up-to-the-minute updates, follow us on Instagram. ____________________ Did you enjoy this post? Consider making a donation to our ministry in Brazil. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This means that clicking on these Amazon links and making purchases is…
Last week the Ebenezer church celebrated nine years of existence since we began the work back in 2012. Our hearts are filled with joy as we reflect back on all that God has done since those early days. Here are some pictures from the anniversary conference. A highlight of the conference was the presentation by…
Links in this episode: Holy Spittle Growing the Church, One Baby at a Time The Command of the Master Killing Goliath Tense Moments at a Brazilian Shopping Mall Clumsy Cyclist Motorcycle Skeleton Five Famous Brazilians An Open Letter to Charles Krauthammer
The Ebenezer youth group got together on the beach last Friday for a final bash for 2019. As we look through these pictures we are thrilled with how these teens have grown, both in numbers and in their walk with God. We are also thankful for Pastor Francivaldo, who brought a reflection from the Word…
Took my camera to our Panorama of Doctrine class. Here are the results. This last pic is the entire class…plus me…standing in front of the main building. __________ Did you enjoy this post? Consider making a donation to our ministry in Brazil. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This means that clicking…
As Itacyara and I were talking about our church’s progress over the last year, we noted that the youth group has had few activities since January. One thing led to another, and Thursday night we found ourselves hosting a group of lively teens for a game night. Here, from the Ebenezer Instagram account, are a…