
Hello, My Name is Deivid

On Wednesday the Rio de Janeiro teams Flamengo and Vasco faced off in a hard-fought game. The final score was 2 to 1 Vasco, to the sadness of Mikey and the great joy of his mother.

What made this game memorable, however, was not the score, or even the spectacular goals. No, what everybody remembers about this game is the spectacular missed goal by a player named Deivid.

It was a beautiful setup. Ronaldinho kicked the ball upfield to Leonardo Moura, who placed it perfectly in front of Deivid. The goalie had left the goal, too worried about Leonardo Moura to pay attention to Deivid behind him. And there was Deivid, the ball at his feet, and an empty goal yawning less than three feet in front of him.

And he missed. The ball bounced harmlessly off the goalpost and a disbelieving Deivid watched a Vasco player snag it and run it back down the field.

Here’s the play, in all it’s gory detail:

Since that moment, Deivid has become a national punchline. Comedy shows have spoofed his epic choke. This evening as I was walking through a local mall, I saw a sign featuring his picture, and the words “Only Deivid could miss a sale this big!”

When asked about his now infamous “fail” on a TV show, he appealed to fans to remember all the goals he has scored for the team.

That might take a while.

In my spiritual life, I am much like Deivid. How many times have I “kicked and missed”? How many times have I snatched defeat out of the jaws of victory? (These are rhetorical questions, no need to leave comments speculating on the actual numbers…)

And in fact, my own situation is worse than that of the star forward for Flamengo. For I have no stellar career to look back on. Even the “good works” that I did–and thought at the time that they were the stuff of heroes–even these are as filthy rags in the eyes of God.

And my situation has not improved now that I’m a believer. It’s not like I got saved, and suddenly became a star player on Christ’s team. In fact, there is only room for one craque on that team, and that is Jesus Christ himself. He is the one who made the spectacular play, and if there is to be any boasting on my part, it must be of Christ.

By all accounts, Deivid is an outstanding player. He will score a game-changing goal in the near future, and be able to leave his shameful moment behind.

I too can leave all my shameful moments behind–but not because of any spectacular play on my part. No, all is forgiven and forgotten because of Christ, and because of Him alone.


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And be sure to read the action-packed adventures of Missionary Max: Missionary Max and the Jungle Princess and Missionary Max and the Lost City.

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  1. Thanks Andrew,
    You have such a way with words I enjoyed reading this post. Thanks for the reminder to think of Christ first and above all things and get our focus off of myself. God bless you!

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