Ministry Update: Introducing Ebenezer Kids!
When we arrived at the Ebenezer church back in January one of the most worrying aspects of the church at the time was the lack of any children’s ministry. In fact, there was only one person under the age of 12 in attendance. So we began making definite plans to change that.
And on Saturday God allowed us to implement one of the major tools that we hope will turn the church around: our weekend kids club, dubbed “Ebenezer Kids”.
We went into it not knowing quite what to expect, and were thrilled when 15 kids showed up, as well as several people from our church to help. Here are some pictures:

Inaugurations are fun. Pray for us as we solidify and expand this ministry. I recently spent about an hour talking to one of the local men who attends our church and he gave me the details on the dangers, both physical and spiritual, these kids face on a daily basis. Ebenezer Kids is not just a fun thing we do…it’s light shining in the darkness.
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And be sure to read the action-packed adventures of Missionary Max: Missionary Max and the Jungle Princess and Missionary Max and the Lost City.