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Ministry Update: Ebenezer Retreat and Baptism at Mount Zion Camp

Back when I was first pastor of the Ebenezer church it was our custom to have some sort of church picnic/retreat every year. This year we decided to renew that tradition, and for the first time our retreat was held at Mount Zion Camp. We had thirty-six people in attendance, including several non-believing friends and family members.

What follows are some of pictures of what will certainly be remembered as a highlight, perhaps even a turning point, in the life of the Ebenezer church.

Of course camp is about having fun.

Lots of it.

Sometimes in rather creative ways.

But organizing and pulling off an event like this involves work.

Nathanael helping me set up for the bonfire.

Pedro officially inaugurating the BBQ pit he built for the camp.

The fellowship and spiritual benefits make every effort worthwhile.

A cutthroat Uno match.
The Ebenezer church gathered around the Word of God.

By far the greatest part of our retreat was the baptism of three young people who have given evidence of the work of God in their lives, including our second-born, Nathanael.

What made Nathanael’s baptism doubly special was the participation of his Grandfather, my Dad, Harold Comings. Dad even spoke in Portuguese!

Another special moment for Nathanael was when he found out that our sending church played the video of his baptism during the service that Sunday.
Itacyara with the just-baptized teens, all of whom were part of the baptism class she taught.

Later that evening we had our bonfire, where we celebrated the Lord’s Supper.

As we began the celebration, we asked the recently baptized young people to come to the front, along with a family-member who is already a member of the church.

Then the family members served the new members as they celebrated Communion with us for the first time as members.

There is much work to be done at Ebenezer, but it felt very good to see the church enjoying fellowship around the Word and the Ordinances, and seeing the Gospel presented in several different ways and contexts at this retreat.


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And be sure to read the action-packed adventures of Missionary Max: Missionary Max and the Jungle Princess and Missionary Max and the Lost City.

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