Latest Newsletter: An Avalanch of Activity
And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. Gal. 6:9
Dear friends,
The second semester of 2024 was filled to overflowing with activities, and amidst them all we were delighted to see God at work in a number of different ways.
Camp Ministry
In the second half of the year the Mount Zion Baptist Camp hosted the Ebenezer Baptist Church’s annual church retreat, our second annual Ladie’s Conference, and our fifth annual Teen Retreat. Development has continued with several new features being added, including our brand new zip line!
For 2025 we have hit the ground running with a project to dig a new well (unseasonably dry weather made this necessary), and the planned construction of a much-needed garage/work shop.
We have had two groups use the camp already this year, and are currently preparing for our next big event: the annual spiritual retreat during Carnaval.
In previous prayer letters and on our website we have been asking for prayer regarding a potential move for our church building. Money had come in and we were set to make the purchase. Due to a number of factors, it became clear to the church family that the seller of the property was not dealing in good faith with us, and so we stepped back from the purchase (more details here). Right now we are in waiting mode, seeking God’s will as our next step.
Meanwhile the Ebenezer church continues to progress. Our children’s ministry has taken root, and is flourishing. We are seeing several of these kids regularly attend Sunday School and the Worship Service. As always, our home serves as a hub of activity for this ministry.
A single Brazilian missionary lady named Valderlene has accepted our invitation to come and take charge of this aspect of our work. She arrived in December, and is already doing a fantastic job.
The church has had several visitors over the last couple of months, a few of the newer people becoming more involved, and it looks like we will be adding at least a couple new members this year.
In October Ebenezer celebrated twelve years since we first began that work on the patio of a local school. This year’s anniversary conference was a special blessing, as we reflected on God’s faithfulness.
Bible Institute and Other Ministries
In the second semester I taught New Testament Survey at our Bible Institute. That was one of two classes offered last semester. This semester two more classes are being offered, but I am not teaching either of them. I am looking forward to using that time to work on other projects that have been on the back-burner.
Since August Itacyara has been volunteering at a local community school, teaching English to a group of low-income students. This year she is planning on moving her English-teaching efforts to Ebenezer, offering free classes to the community.
With everything else that was going on, I still found time to speak at two conferences, both here in São Luís. In September I spoke at the conference of the First Regular Baptist Church on the subject of Heaven, and in December I spoke the Vineyard Regular Baptist Church on the subject of Evangelism. Itacyara has also been active in this regard, bringing the children’s messages at both conferences, and speaking at a couple ladies events.
Family Updates
Nathanael is finishing up the first semester of his senior year, and helps us in many ways in our work. Michael continues to study and work in the field of graphic design in Florida, and be active in our sending church. In 2024 we had the special privilege of having my Dad and Mom for an extended visit. We don’t get to see them often, so this was a wonderful opportunity for all of us.
Looking Forward…
We know that our plans are in God’s hands…but we still plan. In 2025 we eagerly anticipate our annual BMM Brazil conference in Fortaleza (next month), the Carnaval Retreat (March), a conference on developing church leadership brought by the pastor of one of our supporting churches (date to be determined), several camp activities throughout the year, including our first children’s camp (date to be determined), a church evangelistic outreach (date to be determined, probably sometime in the second semester), and at least one conference in another city (November).
Pray with us that God would decide all of our steps as we embark on this new year.
Support Update
Due to a combination of inflation in both the US and Brazil and an increase in some of our expenses, we have experienced a shortfall in our support level. God has always provided, and for that we are extremely grateful. If you would like more details about our monthly support, I would be happy to give you the details.
On the Web
The Life of David: Killing One Giant with One Stone
Best of Brazil: A Bird’s Eye View of the Amazon
The latest snapshots of missionary life.
From my writing desk: Une Lumière Brésilienne dans l’Obscurité Parisienne (A Brazilian Light in the Parisian Darkness)
As we make our way forward in 2025, we remember how much we depend on your prayers and support. Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, for making the blessings of 2024 possible.
In Christ,
Andrew, Itacyara, Michael, and Nathanael
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And be sure to read the action-packed adventures of Missionary Max: Missionary Max and the Jungle Princess and Missionary Max and the Lost City.