Ebenezer Update: Twelve Years of God’s Faithfulness
The last weekend of October found Ebenezer Baptist Church in celebration mode as we celebrated 12 years since our very first services in 2012. Though few in number, our church people mobilized to give our church building a much-needed makeover.

When conference time came, it was a true blessing. On Saturday our church filled to overflowing as people came out to hear Pastor Rafael Boera, pastor of Igreja Batista Regular da Vitória in the city of Curitiba, speak on the subject of being “Grounded in the Word in Days of Apostasy”.

I also got to add a couple musical touches to the event.
First, we dusted off the saxophone for the occasion. It’s not often I get to do this, so it was a lot of fun.
Then we had the debut of our most recent class of recorder students.
We are praising God, not just for what He has done over the last year, but what He has accomplished over 12 years of ministry at Ebenezer. We trust Him for many good things to come.
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And be sure to read the action-packed adventures of Missionary Max: Missionary Max and the Jungle Princess and Missionary Max and the Lost City.