Ebenezer Construction Update
Just got a fresh batch of pictures of the Ebenezer construction project…had to share!
Just got a fresh batch of pictures of the Ebenezer construction project…had to share!
Over the years I have told anybody who would listen that my wife, Itacyara, is an essential part of what we do here in Brazil. Actually, that phrase – “an essential part” – doesn’t adequately express what I mean. She is the glue that holds everything together, the key to any success we may have,…
A few weeks ago I blogged about the month of May being family month in many Brazilian churches, including ours. This year our ladies society planned several activities in conjunction with this event, the last of which occurred yesterday: a family picnic. While not everybody was able to attend (several of our men have jobs…
At the beginning of this month we traveled to the state of Minas Gerais for the annual conference of our Baptist Mid Missions missionaries serving in Brazil. As always, the fellowship and mutual encouragement was the highlight of our time. Besides the fellowship and fun events (like spelunking!) we were also able to get some…
A Pleasant Season in Church Planting Anybody who has ever claimed that church planting is easy has never, ever planted a church. That being said, Itacyara and I are experiencing a time of limited responsibility and great blessing – the “broad sunlit uplands” so to speak, of the church plant process. Specifically, we are in…
A mini-collage of the latest pictures sent to us from the Ebenézer construction site. The links below are affiliate links. This means that clicking and making purchases is one way you can help our work. Also, don’t forget to check out our sister site dedicated to all things Brazilian.
For the past two weeks my time has been almost completely taken up by our first annual Sacred Music Week. Based on similar events that have been organized in different cities around Brazil, the purpose of the even was to increase the musical knowledge and ability of the people within our churches. To this end…