Church Construction Moves Ahead
I made a quick visit to the construction site today. Here are some pictures I took.
I made a quick visit to the construction site today. Here are some pictures I took.
The following is an adaptation of a report I posted to Facebook. I have updated it and modified it to fit the blog format. We arrived at camp on Friday afternoon and set about contracting workers for the various jobs that need to be done. As we were pulling out of the home of the last…
Almost since our arrival back on the field, we have been working on making the upstairs parsonage/apartment livable for our associate pastor, Francivaldo. A couple months ago he was able to move in, but I don’t believe I ever posted pictures of how it turned out…until now.
On Saturday three young people were baptized at the Ebenezer congregation, giving public testimony to their faith in Christ. Rejoice with us, and pray for Lucas, Adrianna, and Amanda as they continue to live out their Christian faith in an increasingly hostile world.
A few random moments from our work over the past several days. Don’t forget that you can see these things as they happen by following us on Instagram. I love doing this for two reasons: 1) I get to see the progress of the construction firsthand, and 2) I get some good downtime with our…
The Ebenezer Ladies’ Fellowship, called “Christian Women in Action”, met today at our home. As a pastor, I am very pleased to have such a group of dedicated, committed women in our church. Did you enjoy this post? Consider making a donation to our ministry in Brazil. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying…
This morning I asked our Ebenezer congregation to send me some pictures of the service, and of recent progress at the construction site. They came through in a big way!