“That’s Why We Have The Holy Spirit…”, or Why Sound Doctrine (and Good Grammar) is Important

“That’s Why We Have The Holy Spirit…”, or Why Sound Doctrine (and Good Grammar) is Important

One of my students was talking about biblical interpretation on his blog. As an illustration, he posted the following video. My jaw dropped open as I watched. The video is from a popular Brazilian TV show called “Fantástico”. The announcer begins by saying that the next story involves an Evangelical pastor, his neighbor, and his…

Your Very Own Mission Field

Your Very Own Mission Field

For those of you who have been following our Twitter feed, we have arrived safe and sound in Campinas, São Paulo, and are now thoroughly enjoying the BMM do Brasil family conference. Tomorrow I will begin putting up some pictures and observations. For today, however, I wanted to leave you with something to contemplate. I…

A Plea to American Pastors

A Plea to American Pastors

Dear US Pastor, The next time you are tempted to turn down a request for a meeting from some poor missionary appointee to Brazil with the comment that “Brazil is pretty much evangelized”, please check out this article. Brazil is indeed becoming more “evangelical” as opposed to Roman Catholic, but, as you can see from…

Tancredo Neves, Cazuza, and a Crate of Eggs

Tancredo Neves, Cazuza, and a Crate of Eggs

A good friend in the US once sent me an e-mail he had received. It is highly likely that most of you have received this e-mail as well. It details several people who made flippant or disrespectful comments about God, and died horrible, untimely deaths. My friend was especially interested in the fact that three…

Advice to New Missionaries…

Advice to New Missionaries…

…from one who still fits into that category. Jim over at Missionary Blog Watch recently challenged us missionary bloggers to give some advice to new missionaries on the field. What follows is my own humble contribution. The first two are about work with nationals, and the second two are about relations with supporters. 1. Learn…

God Chooses Losers (and that’s a good thing for me)

God Chooses Losers (and that’s a good thing for me)

The other day I was having a conversation with an area pastor, in which he lightheartedly disparaged my choice of Brazilian soccer teams. To be honest, I really don’t follow the Brazilian leagues that much, but everybody has to have a team, so I picked Palmeiras. It just so happens that the Palmeiras team is…

The “White Shirt” Incident
Funny | Writings

The “White Shirt” Incident

Last Monday night I was suffering from a headache and insomnia, and so, while everybody else was sleeping, I was in the living room intermittently reading and watching TV. Presently I heard a banging sound coming from outside, indicating that our gate had not been properly shut. A light breeze was causing one metal door…

High Adventure in Brazil–Part Two

High Adventure in Brazil–Part Two

This is the continuation of the previous post. As I sat rested comfortably in the front seat of Jim Leonard’s SUV, I breathed a sigh of relief. The adventure was over. Boy was I wrong. Back at the car, Daniel had taken his job of protecting the women and Mikey very seriously. Fortunately, they received…

High Adventure in Brazil–Part One

High Adventure in Brazil–Part One

Anybody who is tempted to think that missionary work is boring needs to read this article. My trips with our students to visit their practical ministries have typically been anything but boring. I have crossed precarious bridges, had encounters with exotic wildlife, and met a host of interesting people. None of this, however, came close…

The Dictates of Our Hearts

The Dictates of Our Hearts

Thus says the LORD of hosts: “Do not listen to the words of the prophets who prophesy to you, filling you with vain hopes. They speak visions of their own minds, not from the mouth of the LORD. They say continually to those who despise the word of the LORD, ‘It shall be well with…