Grand Theft Missionarymobile–Part One
Family News | Writings

Grand Theft Missionarymobile–Part One

“Andrew, did you park your van in the driveway last night?” The voice penetrating my slumber belonged to Sally, our hostess for the previous two days. We had spent New Years day and the following Sunday at Capitol Allentown Baptist Ministries in Maryland, just outside of Washington DC. CAB Ministries has supported us faithfully ever…

Home Office vs HQ
Family News

Home Office vs HQ

Confession time: my sons are fans of the Disney animated series Phineas and Ferb. More painful confession time: I have been known to sit and watch episodes with them. One of my their favorite parts of each episode is when Perry the Platypus–ostensibly a household pet–goes through some amazingly intricate secret portal to HQ, where…

God’s Sovereign Protection
Family News

God’s Sovereign Protection

God, in His mercy, chose to protect Itacyara and my sister-in-law Emily from the effects of a serious accident last night. Another driver ran a red-light and collided with their car. As you can see from the picture below, God’s sovereign protection did not extend to the Rav4 they were driving. Nobody was seriously hurt…

The Exotic Wildlife of…Lakeland, Florida
Family News

The Exotic Wildlife of…Lakeland, Florida

Our oldest son has been amazingly patient and tolerant of our chaotic lifestyle over the past month. He has tolerated the packing up of our household, the giving away of his dog, the bohemian living…all because of the promise that when we arrived in Florida he would get to see the animals at our pastor’s…

Father-Son Time
Family News

Father-Son Time

Mikey and I got to spend some quality time in Belem on Sunday, visiting the botanical gardens (which also have large collections of animals) and other attractions of the city. This will most likely be our last post before arrival in the US on Wednesday for furlough. See you all there! ____________________ Did you enjoy…

Best of Brazil: Belem Boat Ride
Best of Brazil | Family News

Best of Brazil: Belem Boat Ride

We arrived in Belem this morning. Belem is our final destination before boarding our plane to the US. Our hostess here took us on a boat that cruises the coast of the city. Here are some pictures: Our cruise also included live entertainment featuring traditional music and dance from the state of Para. At one…

Train Up a Child…
Family News

Train Up a Child…

We went to the BMMB Family Conference expecting to be blessed by the preaching, the fellowship, and the change of pace. We were not disappointed. But for me there was one feature that added immense value to the week, like the caramel covering that takes vanilla ice cream to a whole new level. There was…

BMM do Brasil Missionary Family, 2010
Church Plant | Family News

BMM do Brasil Missionary Family, 2010

Behold the Baptist Mid Missions of Brazil missionary family for 2010! Talk back to the missionary: See anybody you know? ____________________ Did you enjoy this post? Consider making a donation to our ministry in Brazil. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This means that clicking on these Amazon links and making purchases…

Crustacean Delight
Family News

Crustacean Delight

I am sitting in the lobby of a hotel in the city of Picos, where we have stopped for the night on our way home. Three years ago this was relatively comfortable hotel, whose main advantage was the low cost. Three years later the cost has remained low, but the hotel has made great strides…