Church Plant


Many of you will remember several months ago when we asked for prayer for a unique opportunity that had arisen for the Ebenezer church to purchase a prime piece of real estate, located right on the main artery going through our community. In case your memory needs refreshing, here’s the video showing the new location……

Snapshots of Missionary Life: Spelunking and Other More Spiritual Endeavors
Bible Institute | Camp | Church Plant | Family News

Snapshots of Missionary Life: Spelunking and Other More Spiritual Endeavors

This week’s snapshots include a little taste of the week we spent in conference, and some interesting things we saw along the way. There will be more extensive posts about both in the near future. As always, don’t forget that you can see these posts as they happen by following us on Instagram. ___________________ Did…

Snapshots of Missionary Life: Party, Pizza, Pentateuch, and more…
Bible Institute | Church Plant | Local Church Ministry

Snapshots of Missionary Life: Party, Pizza, Pentateuch, and more…

It’s been a busy but rewarding week since our last Snapshots post. Here are some highlights. As always, be sure to follow our Instagram account to get these updates as they happen. ____________________ Did you enjoy this post? Consider making a donation to our ministry in Brazil. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying…

Snapshots of Missionary Life: From Maranhão to Bahia
Church Plant

Snapshots of Missionary Life: From Maranhão to Bahia

We’ve covered a lot of ground since our last snapshots post. Here are some pictures, which, as always, you can see in “real time” by following us on Instagram. ___________________ Did you enjoy this post? Consider making a donation to our ministry in Brazil. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This means…

Ministry Update: Ebenezer 2.0
Church Plant

Ministry Update: Ebenezer 2.0

If you read our most recent newsletter, you may remember that we mentioned a return to Ebenezer Baptist Church, the congregation we planted back in 2012. As of last Sunday, I was officially installed as pastor of the church. Itacyara and I have jumped back into ministry there with both feet, and are very optimistic…