Camp Update: Powering Up, Part 1

Camp Update: Powering Up, Part 1

On Monday I took two guys from São Luís out to the camp, and together we fixed some problems with the water grid, and began the process of putting putting the power grid in place. This is the first step towards two major goals we have for the camp in 2019: installing the power grid…

Camp Update: Pavilion Pillars in Place

Camp Update: Pavilion Pillars in Place

If you’ve been following our posts here, you know that, once our pavilion at camp was in place, we discovered that we needed to add two more pillars for extra stability. As the pictures in this post show, those pillars have now been built! A special thanks to the generous folks who donated the funds…

Brief Camp Update

Brief Camp Update

On Friday I took three guys with me to the camp to inaugurate our 2019 projects. We begin this year by adding two columns to our pavilion in order to provide more stability. So on this trip we paid our workers, bought the materials for the columns (thanks to a couple generous contributions), and took…

Seen on the Road to Morros

Seen on the Road to Morros

Some pictures and videos from our trip to the camp construction project today. View this post on Instagram   More courage than sense… A post shared by Andrew Comings (@andrewcomings) on Sep 11, 2018 at 6:23pm PDT View this post on Instagram Just hanging out on the side of the road… A post shared by…

Camp Update: Finishing Touches on the Pavilion

Camp Update: Finishing Touches on the Pavilion

Now that Music Week is behind us, the focus returns to the ongoing development of the Mount Zion Baptist Camp. As you can see from the pictures, we are getting very close to the end. As always, there are little details that need to be cared for before we can move on to the next…

Camp Construction: Progress and Speedbumps, Part 2

Camp Construction: Progress and Speedbumps, Part 2

A quick follow up to yesterday’s post on the progress at camp. This morning several of the essential materials were delivered to the camp property – the roof, PVC for the stall doors and dividers, and the water box. We are still waiting on the wood for the roofing to be delivered – yet another…