Best of Brazil: Belem Boat Ride
Best of Brazil | Family News

Best of Brazil: Belem Boat Ride

We arrived in Belem this morning. Belem is our final destination before boarding our plane to the US. Our hostess here took us on a boat that cruises the coast of the city. Here are some pictures: Our cruise also included live entertainment featuring traditional music and dance from the state of Para. At one…


Planet Universal

After yesterday’s post I had not expected to return to the subject of the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God any time soon. However, as I perused the blog of Mrs. Cardoso today (morbid curiosity led me to add it to my RSS feed reader), I was surprised to see a post singing the…


Houston, We Have a Problem…

An alert reader recently sent me some information about a new church in Houston, Texas called the Succeed in Life Center. A quick perusal of the website shows that the pastor is one Renato Cardoso–a distinctively Brazilian name. Hmmmmm. A church in Houston being pastored by a Brazilian? Not impossible, but definitely…interesting. One automatically wonders…

Missionaries or Yankee Imperialists?

Missionaries or Yankee Imperialists?

Missionaries who leave their homeland to work in another country almost always carry with them political baggage. They will be asked to explain or justify the actions of the leaders of their nation of origin. And this is not limited to current events. I still get asked why the US found it necessary to bomb…

Best of Brazil: Then and Now in Belem
Best of Brazil

Best of Brazil: Then and Now in Belem

I have been meaning to do this post for some time. Several months ago the son of one of our first BMM missionaries here in Brazil sent me some photos and post cards that date back to the 1930’s. Among the photos were a set of postcards from Belem. As I looked through the cards…

Best of Brazil: German Dirigibles Over Brazil
Best of Brazil

Best of Brazil: German Dirigibles Over Brazil

No, not the title of some “alternative history” novel. Two actual pictures I received as part of a collection of pictures taken by the first BMM missionary in Brazil. The first one shows the airship over a typical northeastern Brazilian home of the time: This next one leaves no doubt as to the nationality of…

Best of Brazil: Vintage Photos of Rio de Janeiro
Best of Brazil

Best of Brazil: Vintage Photos of Rio de Janeiro

Ever since I returned from my short trip to the US I have been scanning some old pictures and posting them on my Flickr and Facebook pages. These pictures were originally taken by Edward (Guy) McLain, the first Baptist Mid-Missions missionary to serve in this part of Brazil. The are from the 1930’s and 40’s….

Deadly Moral Relativism in the Amazon Jungle

Deadly Moral Relativism in the Amazon Jungle

I almost blew a gasket yesterday as I read this article published by Reuters. It has to do with a video put out by people associated with YWAM (Jocum in Portuguese) depicting how unwanted children are sometimes buried alive by certain indigenous peoples in the Amazon region. The title of the article? Amazon Indian infanticide…

The Monk and the Executive

The Monk and the Executive

I have noticed that every time I walk into a bookstore down here, a book entitled “O Monge e o Executivo” (The Monk and the Executive) is featured prominently. I had no idea, however, that it had such an interesting background. Check out this story from the Washington Post: SAO PAULO, Brazil, Aug. 11 —…