It’s been a couple weeks, but I am finally getting around to posting an update about our 2023 teen retreat at Mount Zion Baptist Camp. And an amazing retreat it was!
One of the highlights of the week was the inauguration of our new water slide, which proved to be a huge success. Take a look!
But pictures can’t do complete justice to how great the retreat really was. So here’s a video. Enjoy!
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It’s been an eventful two weeks since our last Snapshots post. As always, you can keep up with what is happening in our lives and ministry by following us on Instagram. We have a few video clips this week. First up, some lovely butterflies Itacyara filmed in our yard: Last Sunday I played one of…
Nathanael and I spent this last Tuesday and Wednesday at the camp, where the work on the electrical installation continues. Usually I take Michael, but this time I decided it was time for some “Dad and NayNay” time, and he was actually a big help. For example, he figured out how to assemble the toilet…
As I gradually return from a hiatus in updating this website, there are a number of relevant activities that bear reporting. I am reluctant, however, to litter the site with individual posts for each one of them. Therefore, I will summarize them in this one post. Itacyara’s Teaching Methods Class In November Itacyara finished up…
I didn’t take this picture, it probably won’t win any photography awards, and most likely nobody will “repin” it on Pinterest. Yet, this is a truly amazing picture, for several reasons. * It represents men from two congregations here in São Luís–Kerigma and First Baptist–working together at our camp property. * It was taken at…
Beginning in 2020, the Mount Zion Baptist Camp has held a teen retreat every year. Each year we see progress in the camp, and the number of teens in attendance has increased steadily. This year we had a total of 57 kids, which has put us at just about capacity for what our dorm can…
I love the ocean. One of my favorite pastimes here is going to one of the many beaches within ten minutes of our house. But THIS is why I do not swim in said ocean: This bad boy was caught off the coast of the city of Icatu, which, if you’ve been paying attention, you…