Camp Update: Our Fifth Annual Teen Retreat
Beginning in 2020, the Mount Zion Baptist Camp has held a teen retreat every year. Each year we see progress in the camp, and the number of teens in attendance has increased steadily. This year we had a total of 57 kids, which has put us at just about capacity for what our dorm can house comfortably.
We praise God for His provision for the development of the infrastructure of the camp, and, most of all, for the notable spiritual impact this week had on many of our teens. Here are some pictures and videos:
Camp actually begins before arrival, as most of our campers arrive via a bus we contract to bring them from São Luís.

Probably the biggest attraction this year was our new zip line. The kids couldn’t get enough of it!

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And be sure to read the action-packed adventures of Missionary Max: Missionary Max and the Jungle Princess and Missionary Max and the Lost City.