
Camp Update: Dorm Construction and Other Projects

The construction on the dormitory is moving ahead…slowly but surely. We had hoped to have the entire complex ready for a retreat that is being held there this week. Unfortunately, that did not happen. We did, however, manage to complete five of the six rooms, installing the windows, doors, electricity, and (most importantly) hammock hooks, for use by the church group that will be using the camp. That leaves just the bathrooms and exterior plumbing to be completed.

Electricians installing the wiring in the dorm rooms.
Here’s how the front of the dorm looks now.

Itacyara and I spent Tuesday through Thursday of last week at the camp, taking care of other details before this week’s retreat.

As always, Itacyara tweaked her flower gardens that are sprouting up all over the campus.
She also painted the white trim around the pavilion, bringing new life to the whole scene.
You can never have too much storage space. Here I am installing a shelf under the kitchen sink.
The finished product.

By the time most of you read this, we will be at camp once again, helping in any way we can to make the church retreat a success.


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