“Dia dos Namorados” Event
Church Plant | Family News

“Dia dos Namorados” Event

Brazilian’s celebrate their equivalent of Valentines Day on June 12th. As that fell on a Sunday this year, the Kerigma congregation held a Dia dos Namorados event on the 11th. Despite the date, romance was in the air! ____________________ Did you enjoy this post? Consider making a donation to our ministry in Brazil. As an…

Welcome to Maranhão!
Church Plant | Family News

Welcome to Maranhão!

It has been about a month and a half since our arrival for our second term in Brazil. Here is a quick summary of major events during that time. Renting a house. This was our first major hurdle. After several days of searching we finally found a three-bedroom home in a decent neighborhood. Our son…

First Pictures from Second Term
Family News | Local Church Ministry

First Pictures from Second Term

Admittedly, there’s not much here. We would have many more pictures, but for the first couple weeks the charger for our camera was buried deep in luggage. It has finally been recovered, and more pictures should be forthcoming. In the future there will be pictures of our new house (as soon as the Brazilian Bombshell…

The Cost of the Gospel
Church Plant | Writings

The Cost of the Gospel

I am constantly in awe of the intrepid band of missionaries who planted the seeds of the Gospel in the northeast region of Brazil–the region where our family now works. These hardy men and women suffered tremendously for privilege of spreading the good news to the nordestino. It is an honor to be able to…


The Great Brazilian “Jewell” Robbery

My friend and colleague Mike Jewel received some unexpected visitors last month. Here is his report of events: I was sleeping and heard my dog bark. When I looked from bed I saw a shadowy figure in the kitchen. He ordered me to bury my face in the mattress. He asked me a question and…

Hey, Where’s Perry?
Family News

Hey, Where’s Perry?

Why, at the AWANA Grand Prix, of course! While I have been enjoying the winter wonderland that is Upstate NY, Michael and Nathanael participated in our home church’s AWANA car races. Thanks to the carving genius of a couple guys in the church, Michael’s car was a replica of that used by his hero Perry…

Best of Brazil: Triunfo, PE
Best of Brazil

Best of Brazil: Triunfo, PE

In January our BMM missionaries in NE Brazil get together for their annual conference/business meeting (we are good Baptists, after all…). This year we did not attend as we are in the US on furlough. However colleague Vicki Reiner posted some beautiful pictures of Triunfo, the city where the conference was held. With her permission…

English Conference
Local Church Ministry

English Conference

A couple years ago we were approached by a couple young people from Peace Baptist Church in Juazeiro about the possibility of starting and English-language Sunday School class. The idea was to reach out to the many young people in the community who are studying English and welcome opportunities to practice it. This ministry proved…