Funny | Writings

That Brush with Death

In my last post I mentioned a “brush with death” on our way back from the MAB missionary conference last week. Several people have asked about it, so here–without further ado–is how it went down. Thirty-nine years is somewhat of a milestone–if for no other reason than that it is the last birthday before forty….

Missionary Conference in the Sertão
Church Plant

Missionary Conference in the Sertão

Yesterday Pastor Francisco and I returned, safe and sound, from a whirlwind tour of the states of Piaui, Pernambuco, Bahia, and Ceará. The occasion was the annual conference of MAB, the Baptist Auxiliary Mission here in NE Brazil. Pastor Francisco is a MAB missionary, and I am on the advisory board. This year’s conference was…

The Showdown on Ze Bom Bom Hill
Brazil | Church Plant

The Showdown on Ze Bom Bom Hill

Behind our Kerigma congregation stretches a sizable neighborhood called “Coroadinho”. It is known as a hotbed of crime and violence. Within this neighborhood–and within sight of our church–is a hill named after a colorful figure from Coroadinho’s past known as “Ze Bom Bom”. If Coroadinho is a hurricane of crime, Ze Bom Bom hill is…

Juventude Kerigma
Church Plant

Juventude Kerigma

When we decided to dedicate our efforts to graduating the Kerigma church plant, one of the areas we observed where we could make the biggest impact was in the youth group. When we arrived, the congregation had various children’s ministries, but no real youth program. As a result, over the last five years many children…


Meet Me in São Luís: September Seventh Celebration

This post is part of an ongoing series which seeks to introduce the readership of this blog to the many fascinating aspects of one of Brazil’s best-kept secrets–the city of São Luís. Since 1994 it has been my privilege to watch the Independence Day parades (September 7th, here in Brazil) in many different locations. It’s…

Michael at Brazilian Scout Camp
Family News

Michael at Brazilian Scout Camp

Several factors motivated us to get Mikey into scouting while we were on furlough in the US earlier this year. Not the least of these was that he thrived with the adventures that the scout program provides. Upon our arrival in São Luís we were delighted to find a thriving Boy Scout (Escoteiro) program here….

Blast From The Past

Ten Years Ago Today

My son Michael had just been born, eight days earlier. He was home, and I was back to work. The previous evening I worked an overnight shift, and was sleeping when my wife came in and mentioned something about towers falling in NY. In a groggy stupor I acknowledged that she had spoken, rolled over,…

Pray for the Agencies

Pray for the Agencies

We were recently saddened by the sudden (to us) closing of a sister mission agency. The agency in question has been used of God to enhance the work of missionaries all over the globe. We have many personal friends who worked with this group. This agency was one of the ones Itacyara and I considered…

The Tyranny of “Almost There”

The Tyranny of “Almost There”

Editor’s note: I wrote this article back in 2011. Since then the website referenced appears to have been scrubbed, as have the graphics I originally shared. The only online presence for the Houston church appears to be a Facebook page, whose last post is from 2015. With that in mind I’ve heavily modified the first…