The Life of David Series: Better Not Call Saul
Life of David

The Life of David Series: Better Not Call Saul

Sh’muel leaned on his staff and gazed at the gently-sloping, grass-covered hill in the distance. A group of people stood nearby: a local sheep farmer named Jesse with seven of his strapping sons all seeming somewhat confused, a few of the prominent citizens of Beit-Lechem with anxious looks on their faces, some curious onlookers. Sh’muel…

Snapshots of Missionary Life: Youth Conference, Bible Institute, Picanha, and more…
Bible Institute | Church Plant

Snapshots of Missionary Life: Youth Conference, Bible Institute, Picanha, and more…

Some pictures from our various activities this week. As always, you can get these as they happen by following us on Instagram. ____________________ Did you enjoy this post? Consider making a donation to our ministry in Brazil. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This means that clicking on these Amazon links and…

Best of Brazil: A Brasileirinho/Aquarela do Brasil Mashup in Berlin
Best of Brazil | Brazil | Musical Interlude

Best of Brazil: A Brasileirinho/Aquarela do Brasil Mashup in Berlin

You’re probably going to want to set aside what you are doing, crank up the audio, and enjoy this amazing performance of two classic Brazilian pieces. ____________________ Did you enjoy this post? Consider making a donation to our ministry in Brazil. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This means that clicking on…

Camp Update: A Few Odds and Ends

Camp Update: A Few Odds and Ends

Last week we spent a couple days at camp, taking care of a variety of tasks. Here are some pictures from our time there. Not pictured: I took our weed whacker in for repairs, and checked in on garage-style sliding window being made for our kitchen serving area. ____________________ Did you enjoy this post? Consider…