Christmas Program at Ebenézer
Last night the Ebenézer Regular Baptist Church held its annual Christmas program. Here are some pictures.
Pictures taken by myself and various members of the congregation.
Updated with additional photos.
Last night the Ebenézer Regular Baptist Church held its annual Christmas program. Here are some pictures.
Pictures taken by myself and various members of the congregation.
Updated with additional photos.
Here’s another glimpse into the day-to-day life of a missionary in Brazil. For up-to-the-minute updates, follow us on Instagram. ____________________ Did you enjoy this post? Consider making a donation to our ministry in Brazil. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This means that clicking on these Amazon links and making purchases is…
Last weekend we held our seventh annual anniversary conference at the Ebenezer Regular Baptist Church. As part of the conference, my son Michael, a teen named Rodrigo, and myself performed a recorder arrangement of the hymn Holy, Holy, Holy. Go ahead and listen…then I’ll share a couple neat things about it. It goes without saying…
Last week I reported on the beginnings of a new men’s ministry at the Ebenezer church. On Saturday, they had their first official outing – a day of fishing in nearby Raposa. For an inaugural event, it was a smashing success. Close to twenty guys came out – including some from outside the church family….
In many churches here in Brazil May has been designated as “Family Month”. One of the ways our church is observing this occasion is by having our Wednesday prayer meeting in the homes of various members, in stead of at the church building as usual. This week a dear couple from our church hosted us,…
As I was at prayer meeting at Fellowship Baptist Church this evening, a couple members of the Ebenezer Congregation sent me these photos. I find it fitting that the first official use of the new building be a prayer meeting, as the very existence of the building is the result of years of prayer on…
I made a quick visit to the construction site today. Here are some pictures I took.
Such lovely decorations!
Yes. Also, blowing up those balloons was an adventure…