11 Years and Counting
A whirlwind schedule and limited internet connectivity have combined since the tenth of this month to form the perfect storm for non-communication. Result: mucho updating to do before sending out next prayer letter.
We will start with my favorite set of photos from the past several weeks: the celebration of 11 years of marriage to the Brazilian Bombshell.
For the weekend of our anniversary we were able to get away to a nice little chalet near the beach here in São Luís. The boys stayed with friends, and we had Friday and Saturday to ourselves. It was wonderful!

Thank you, Lord, for demonstrating Your grace (unmerited favor) in my life in the form of this lovely woman. Help me to somehow make it worth her while!
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And be sure to read the action-packed adventures of Missionary Max: Missionary Max and the Jungle Princess and Missionary Max and the Lost City.