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Snapshots (and Video Clips) of Missionary Life: Beautiful Butterflies, Bad Caterpillars, and Everything In Between
It’s been an eventful two weeks since our last Snapshots post. As always, you can keep up with what is happening in our lives and ministry by following us on Instagram. We have a few video clips this week. First up, some lovely butterflies Itacyara filmed in our yard: Last Sunday I played one of…

Snapshots of Missionary Life: Back in Business
It’s been over a month since our last “snapshots” post, so we have a little catching up to do. Of course, if you follow us on Instagram, you are up to date on our activities since we temporarily set aside our regular postings here. If not, well, here’s what you missed. ____________________ Did you enjoy…

New Members of the Ebenézer Family
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Church Leadership Training Course: Old Testament Survey
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Snapshots of Missionary Life: Party, Pizza, Pentateuch, and more…
It’s been a busy but rewarding week since our last Snapshots post. Here are some highlights. As always, be sure to follow our Instagram account to get these updates as they happen. ____________________ Did you enjoy this post? Consider making a donation to our ministry in Brazil. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying…