Ebenezer Parsonage: Finished Product
Church Plant

Ebenezer Parsonage: Finished Product

Almost since our arrival back on the field, we have been working on making the upstairs parsonage/apartment livable for our associate pastor, Francivaldo. A couple months ago he was able to move in, but I don’t believe I ever posted pictures of how it turned out…until now.

O Perfil de um Missionário Fiel

O Perfil de um Missionário Fiel

A segunda mensagem da XII Conferência Missionária da Igreja Batista Regular Manancial em Fortaleza, CE. Did you enjoy this post? Consider making a donation to our ministry in Brazil. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.. This means that clicking on these Amazon links and making purchases is one way you can help…

Bibles for Bricklayers
Family News

Bibles for Bricklayers

Missions is not just carried out in formal preaching/teaching sessions. Indeed, for the most part it is dealing with people you meet in everyday life. Like the workers who are building our house. In conversations with them, I discovered that four of them had no Bibles. So we took care of that problem. Since then I’ve…

Maranhão Missionary Conference, 2017
Church Plant

Maranhão Missionary Conference, 2017

Last week our association of churches held it’s third missionary conference. The speaker, Pastor Misael (who, incidentally, pastors the church where the Brazilian Bombshell and I were married almost 17 years ago) challenged us from the Word. Besides the biblical edification, conferences like these bring our churches together around a common cause, with the side…

Our “Daughter” in Bolivia
Family News

Our “Daughter” in Bolivia

Some may remember back during our first term when we would ask for prayer for a young lady named Crizelite (Cris, for short). We met Cris when she was working as a maid for a lady in our neighborhood. It was not hard to see that she had a strong sense of the call of…