Field Report: A Conference of Hope
Church Plant

Field Report: A Conference of Hope

Hope as in “Igreja Batista Regular Esperança” or, Hope Regular Baptist Church. These conferences are great, because it gives us a chance to see how God has worked in our association of churches here in São Luís. One of the greatest blessings was seeing Pastor Geandro, newly-called pastor of the First Baptist Church. As you…

2017 Ebenezer Conference: The Reformation Continues
Church Plant

2017 Ebenezer Conference: The Reformation Continues

The Ebenezer Regular Baptist Church was happy to have Pastor Brian King and his wife, Judy, as our special speakers for the 2017 conference. With the theme “The Reformation Continues”, Pastor King brought messages that applied Reformation principles to the everyday lives of believers. We were also blessed by several special musical numbers, and a…

Church Plant

Conference Moments

In the previous post I mentioned a conference we attended last month. My friend Daniel took some amazing pictures of the event. Some of them were begging for a caption, so I produced this. To understand some of the captions, you should probably understand that the theme of the week was “Regular Baptist Dispensationalism”.