News from Ebenézer: Youth Fellowship
Church Plant

News from Ebenézer: Youth Fellowship

Hot off the presses! As I write this I am receiving pictures and reports from the Ebenezer young people about the area youth fellowship meeting held at our new facilities. Not only was there great fellowship and preaching, but a new directory was elected from among the young people. The president-elect is a young man…

Our “Daughter” in Bolivia
Family News

Our “Daughter” in Bolivia

Some may remember back during our first term when we would ask for prayer for a young lady named Crizelite (Cris, for short). We met Cris when she was working as a maid for a lady in our neighborhood. It was not hard to see that she had a strong sense of the call of…

São Luís Youth Missions Bazaar
Church Plant

São Luís Youth Missions Bazaar

This happened a while ago, and I am just now getting around to posting the pictures. I know, bad missionary. The young people of our churches in São Luís got together and held an missions bazaar, with the object of raising people’s awareness of missions needs around the world. Here are some pictures.

Looking Ahead: Francivaldo
Church Plant

Looking Ahead: Francivaldo

Three-and-a-half years ago, as we were in the initial stages of planning for the Ebenezer church plant, we had at our side an enthusiastic young man named Francivaldo. We had worked together for a year in our previous ministry, and it was evident that the call of God was on his life for ministry. God,…

Musical Interlude: Marsalis and Spok
Musical Interlude

Musical Interlude: Marsalis and Spok

Wynton Marsalis is an internationally known American jazz trumpeter. Maestro Spok is a less-well-known, but no-less-virtuoso saxophonist. Together, they put on a mind-blowing performance here. The the music style is called Frevo, and it is native to the city of Recife, Brazil. Marsalis talks about this trip to Recife here.

Construction Update: Tonight’s the Night!
Church Plant

Construction Update: Tonight’s the Night!

Tonight the Ebenezer congregation will meet in it’s new building for the very first time! You can be sure that there will be much rejoicing and thanksgiving at this prayer meeting. Here are a couple pictures of the chairs being moved in, as well as the front of the building as it currently appears. The…

Missing my Friend

Missing my Friend

This happened four years ago today. The wound is still surprisingly fresh. Did you enjoy this post? Consider making a donation to our ministry in Brazil. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.. This means that clicking on these Amazon links and making purchases is one way you can help our work. Also,…