Our (Dwindling) Missionary Team
Church Plant

Our (Dwindling) Missionary Team

Last week we had the privilege to once again attend the annual conference of the Baptist Mid Missions missionaries serving in Northeastern Brazil. We were able to be refreshed by the fellowship and camaraderie of people engaged in the same work, encouraged by reports of what God is doing, and edified by the messages brought…

Camp Construction: Progress and Speedbumps

Camp Construction: Progress and Speedbumps

Today and tomorrow I am at the camp property with Pastor Francivaldo to check up on construction, purchase more materials, and pay workers. After our wildly successful work day on the first of this month, we faced two major hurdles: the truckers’ strike effectively killed our plans for a second work day, and several of…

Ebenezer Parsonage: Finished Product
Church Plant

Ebenezer Parsonage: Finished Product

Almost since our arrival back on the field, we have been working on making the upstairs parsonage/apartment livable for our associate pastor, Francivaldo. A couple months ago he was able to move in, but I don’t believe I ever posted pictures of how it turned out…until now.

Kids Club Launch at Ebenezer
Church Plant

Kids Club Launch at Ebenezer

Whem Pastor Francivaldo was brought on board at Ebenezer one of the things he was eager to do was begin a kids club. First, however, he had to move in to the pastoral apartment. This was accomplished at the beginning of the year, and last night he officially launched the kids club. Here are some…

Baptist Mid Missions of Brazil, 2018

Baptist Mid Missions of Brazil, 2018

This is the group of missionaries with whom we have the privilege to serve here in Brazil. Did you enjoy this post? Consider making a donation to our ministry in Brazil. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.. This means that clicking on these Amazon links and making purchases is one way you…