So peaceful…
This is a fun ad Fiatt is running here in Brazil in conjunction with the release of the new Star Wars movie. At the end, the woman says “It’s so peaceful up there.”
This is a fun ad Fiatt is running here in Brazil in conjunction with the release of the new Star Wars movie. At the end, the woman says “It’s so peaceful up there.”
If you follow us on Facebook, you know we spent last week in the city of Manaus, on the Amazon River, at the annual conference of the Baptist Mid Missions missionaries here in Brazil. Later on I’ll have pictures, but for now, here’s a sequence of videos I took with the GoPro. As always, a…
Three-and-a-half years ago, as we were in the initial stages of planning for the Ebenezer church plant, we had at our side an enthusiastic young man named Francivaldo. We had worked together for a year in our previous ministry, and it was evident that the call of God was on his life for ministry. God,…
I’m going to start adding our Missionary Monday Live videos here, starting with this one, in which we interview Pastor Brian King of West Windsor, NY. To see previous episodes, you can check out the archives on YouTube.
You’re probably going to want to set aside what you are doing, crank up the audio, and enjoy this amazing performance of two classic Brazilian pieces. ____________________ Did you enjoy this post? Consider making a donation to our ministry in Brazil. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This means that clicking on…
A couple weeks ago we had the privilege of speaking to a group of kids at at a local camp. As we were telling them about some of the Brazilian wildlife, they became very fascinated with pictures of the capivara – the world’s largest rodent. I regret not showing them this video! ______________________________ Did you…
Almost since our arrival back on the field, we have been working on making the upstairs parsonage/apartment livable for our associate pastor, Francivaldo. A couple months ago he was able to move in, but I don’t believe I ever posted pictures of how it turned out…until now.