Lots of great moments to share, so here we go. As always, you can see these in real time by following us on Instagram.
With Vitor and Afonso, my two New Testament Survey students last semester.It was great to be able to spend some time with my friend Clederson after he spoke at our teen retreat in December.The Ebenezer church is happy to welcome children’s missionary Valderlene as the newest addition to our ministry team.Doing some year-end cleaning and I found this, a memento from a job I had on our 2016 furlough. I wrote about that job here.Another find during “spring cleaning”, a Soviet Army military jacket. Just to be clear, I never worked for this institution.Found near our house.I never get tired of taking pictures of the old buildings in the São Luís historic district.This is how I began the new year.When we go to camp, this is my best helper.A job I had while in college, putting together furniture for store displays, continues to yield fruits.At Ebenezer we work hard, but also have good food and good fellowship.This church group used our camp the first week of January.The official opening of Ebenezer Kids was a success!One of the young people who has come to Ebenezer Kids wanted to sing a special for the church service.A pause for ice cream with the most beautiful woman in the world.At first the Ebenezer Kids would just write their names in the grime on my truck. Now they include phrases like “God is faithful” in their petty vandalism. Progress!I took Nathan and one the teens from Ebenezer to an antique car show.This truck was by far the star of the show…a 1962 Brasil, a vehicle manufactured in Brazil by Chevrolet.A beautiful dash board.Every detail a work of art.Two well-preserved 1972 models.There was even a celebrity appearance.Last Sunday at Ebenezer.
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A pretty eclectic mix of photos this time. As always, follow us on Instagram to get these pictures in “real time”. _____________________ Did you enjoy this post? Consider making a donation to our ministry in Brazil. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This means that clicking on these Amazon links and making…
Lots of pictures this week of things I’ve seen while out running. Like this gator… View this post on Instagram A post shared by Andrew Comings (@andrewcomings) …and these otters. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Andrew Comings (@andrewcomings) Then there’s the creative yard ornaments. Like this “steel guitarist…” View this post…
This weeks “snapshots” includes a variety of pictures. As always, more can be seen on our Instagram feed. We had a great time touching base with Pastor Francivaldo and Géssica. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Andrew Comings (@andrewcomings) On the menu… View this post on Instagram A post shared by…
If you follow our Facebook or Instagram accounts, you know we took a trip to Ceará in July, spending a good part of the month there. It was a multi-purpose trip. We renewed Mikey and Nathanael’s passports, shared the ministry of Maranhão in three churches, celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary, participated in a wedding, and…
As a “last hurrah” for a very eventful “vacation”, we had one last inter-church camp work day. This event combined the efforts of folks from the First Regular Baptist Church and the Good News Regular Baptist Church in Turu. Our efforts were divided in two areas…widening an area of the river for swimming purposes, and…