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Snapshots of Missionary Life: Camp Work, Game Night, Soccer Ministry, more…

Here are some of the pictures we have taken over the last few days. As always, you can get these in real time by following us on Instagram.

We spent a couple days at camp, where we, among other things, tested out the new inner tubes. Read more about it here.
Marcus, a Bible college student visiting from the US, has been very helpful to us as we reach out to teens in the area. Here I am translating for him as he brings a devotional to a group of kids before soccer practice.
Our first Youth Game Night since returning to Ebenezer was a success.
Marcus bringing the devotional at Game Night.
The group of kids that came out for Game Night.
Marcus got to meet with area pastors for a Q and A time on Wednesday.
One more building, a vintage gas station, added to my layout.


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And be sure to read the action-packed adventures of Missionary Max: Missionary Max and the Jungle Princess and Missionary Max and the Lost City.

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