Pastoral Selfie
As the service was about to begin this evening. I love these people!
As the service was about to begin this evening. I love these people!
Wynton Marsalis is an internationally known American jazz trumpeter. Maestro Spok is a less-well-known, but no-less-virtuoso saxophonist. Together, they put on a mind-blowing performance here. The the music style is called Frevo, and it is native to the city of Recife, Brazil. Marsalis talks about this trip to Recife here.
Francivaldo is a young man from the Ebenezer congregation. His calling to ministry was easy to spot when we arrived in São Luís, and God confirmed it by providing for his tuition in a miraculous way. On Saturday he graduated, and we are eagerly awaiting the opportunity to work shoulder-to-shoulder with him in Maranhão. As…
At the beginning of this month we traveled to the state of Minas Gerais for the annual conference of our Baptist Mid Missions missionaries serving in Brazil. As always, the fellowship and mutual encouragement was the highlight of our time. Besides the fellowship and fun events (like spelunking!) we were also able to get some…
These are some up-to-the minute pictures sent by our builder of the camp project. The wood for the roof beams has been delivered, and he is currently working on the PVC dividers for the bathrooms.
In June of this year Marcus Baltich, a student at Faith Baptist Bible College in Ankeny, IA, spent a month with us here in Brazil. What follows are his impressions of that time. For those curious about what a one-month mission trip entails, I hope to provide an accurate picture and encourage you through my…
Here is a video of one of the choral performances at the end of Sacred Music Week – a rousing rendition of “Shut De Do”. Important detail: many of these students had never sung in a choir before, never read a piece of sheet music, and never sung in harmony. Also, most of the choir…