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Christmas Musical Interlude: Adeste Fideles
An interlude from what, I don’t know, since I haven’t blogged in forever. But, here it is. If this doesn’t put you in the Christmas spirit, nothing will. Be sure to listen to the last note…you won’t be sorry.

Special “Songs of the Rails” Musical Interlude: I’ve Been Working on the Railroad
No collection of train songs would be complete without this one. Special bonus is the great footage of people actually working on the railroad.

Musical Interlude: A Little “Cannonicity”
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Musical Interlude from Ebenézer: Men Singing in Church
Last Sunday the men of our church stood in the front and belted out one of my favorite hymns found in our Brazilian hymnal: Olhando para Cristo (Looking to Christ) This is not nearly the most sophisticated or musically impressive piece we have shared here. There are even times were some (or all) of us…

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Brazilian Musical Interlude: Corcovado
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