Church Plant | Musical Interlude

Musical Interlude from Ebenézer: Men Singing in Church

Last Sunday the men of our church stood in the front and belted out one of my favorite hymns found in our Brazilian hymnal: Olhando para Cristo (Looking to Christ)

This is not nearly the most sophisticated or musically impressive piece we have shared here. There are even times were some (or all) of us stray off key. But it is hugely significant for me as the pastor of these men. It represents a willingness to stand up before the congregation and enthusiastically belt out praises to our God. And while this is important for all believers, I think it is really important for men, especially in the predominantly matriarchal society in which we live, to be seen taking leadership in this aspect of Christian worship.

We plan to do much more of this.


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And be sure to read the action-packed adventures of Missionary Max: Missionary Max and the Jungle Princess and Missionary Max and the Lost City.

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