As I mentioned in my previous post, last week we held a celebration of the ministries of five of our missionaries here in northeast Brazil who are retiring after years of faithful service. As one of the planners of the event, it was my job to collect pictures for a short video presentation. Several of these pictures are historical treasures in their own right.
The missionaries in question were Darrell and Jean Haworth, Mark and Linda Willson, and Luis and Janet Meneses (Luís is now with the Lord). Here are some of the pictures they shared.
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This is a continuation of our report on the visit of a missions team from Fellowship Baptist Church in Lakeland Florida. Read parts one and two. A mere two-hour drive from our camp project lie the Lençoís Maranhenses dunes. So spectacular is this natural wonder that Marvel used them as a backdrop for scenes in…
Two weeks ago we were treated to a special number by some of the children at Ebenézer. Here, finally, is the video: ***If you open the post on one page, you can see the whole thing*** The Astonishing Adventures of Missionary Max, Parts 1, 2 and 3 are now available for Kindle and Nook!
Last month the combined ladies associations of the state of Ceará held their annual retreat. This year’s venue was a resort near the city of Martins, in the neighboring state of Rio Grande do Norte. Because we lack our own state association, our Maranhão churches are associated with the Ceará churches. And this year, for…
Last Friday marked the first class for the second semester of our Church Leadership Training Course. I’m teaching Old Testament Survey this year. The class has grown since last semester, and we are feeling a lot of enthusiasm for the course. Did you enjoy this post? Consider making a donation to our ministry in Brazil….
Some time ago I posted about the evolution of my daily running routine from “just something I did to stay healthy” to “a bunch of guys from the church bonding” to “official church running day”. Now, there is one more addition to the trajectory: “fund-raising for church construction”. This idea was actually born on one…
As noted before here, Brazilians go all out for Mothers Day. Yesterday was no exception at Ebenezer. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.. This means that clicking on these Amazon links and making purchases is one way you can help our work. Also, don’t forget to check out our sister site dedicated…