Church Plant

Ebenezer Update and Opportunity

There are some exciting things going on at Ebenezer Baptist Church, the congregation we had the privilege to plant beginning in 2012. Nine months ago they called Paulo as their first full-time (non missionary-supported) pastor, and since then he has been doing an outstanding job. Though we are helping out in a sister church, we keep up with what is going on at Ebenezer, and are thrilled at what we see.

Perhaps the most exciting thing happening right now is the possibility of purchasing a new piece of property for the church, on a main highway that will give them much more visibility in the community, as well as room to grow.

Listen as Pastor Paulo and I present the project, then continue to scroll down for more information.

So…to recap:

Pastor Paulo has begun a campaign where they are looking for individual donors to give R$100 (Brazilian currency) a piece towards the purchase of the property. This comes out to $25 in US currency. So I want to extend this challenge to the friends and supporters of this ministry.

But first, let’s visualize exactly what Pastor Paulo is talking about.

This drone video shows the current location of the Ebenezer church. As you can see, people can drive by on the main highway without ever knowing it’s there.

In case you missed which one was the church, here’s a screen shot:

And now for the property they are looking at buying. It is the tree-filled lot to the front and right of the white car parked on the right side of the road.

Here’s a screen shot with the property outlined in red:

The advantages of the new property, both in size and location, are obvious. So, as we asked in the video, will you commit to praying with us about this project? And would you prayerfully consider participating with our Brazilian brethren by making a contribution of $25?

If you would like to make a donation, you can do so easily by following this link. If you designate the gift for “Building” that will help us to know that it is for this project.

We are looking forward to having exciting things to report here in the days ahead!


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