Missionary Max

Max Moment: Another Great Review

It’s been a while since we have featured a review of The Astonishing Adventures of Missionary Max here. Stepping up to end the drought is Shaun at Bible Geek Gone Wild, who posted a very generous review of the book earlier this week. Money quote: The Astonishing Adventures of Missionary Max is a fun-filled adventure…

Missionary Max

Max Moment: The Hawker Hart

A Hawker Hart in flight. img src In Max’s first adventures on Cabrito, a World War Two airplane called the “Hawker Hart” plays a key role. Here is what the book has to say about the plane: “The Hawker Hart was an airplane whose time never came. A sturdy biplane built by Great Britain between…

Missionary Max

Max Moment: The Obama Promo

In which The Astonishing Adventures of Missionary Max (affiliate link) gets some word-of-mouth from a few unlikely sources: Feel free to share the above video on Facebook, Youtube, or the social media site of your choice. The Astonishing Adventures of Missionary Max, Parts 1, 2 and 3 are now available for Kindle and Nook!

Missionary Max

Max Moment: Reviews and Interviews

The past couple of weeks saw two new reviews of The Astonishing Adventures of Missionary Max hit cyberspace. First up, a review that originally ran in the bulletin of our home church in Lakeland Florida, written by the associate pastor (also…my brother). Money quote: “…the action, romance and multi-layered plots will keep just about anyone…

Missionary Max

Max Moment: Author Interview

Earlier this week we were pleased to a very kind review by book-blogger extraordinaire (and my sister-in-law) Kalyn Comings. Today, she has continued the Missionary Max mania with an interview with the author–yours truly. I had fun answering her questions, and I hope they give you some insight into the “why” and “wherefore” of The…

Missionary Max

Max Moment: Words With Books Review

Words with Books is a blog dedicated to–you guessed it–books. It’s creator and author is my sister-in-law, Kalyn Comings. Today she posted a full (and very gracious) review of The Astonishing Adventures of Missionary Max. Be sure to check it out, and give her some love in the comments section. And, if you have not…

Missionary Max

And Finally…

This announcement was supposed to go live a week ago, but events took over, and I am just getting to it now. So…here it is: Amazon.com Widgets The third and final installment of “The Astonishing Adventures of Missionary Max” is now available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble. I know many of you have eagerly…

Missionary Max

Max Moment: The Island of Cabrito

Though it has no spoken lines, the Island of Cabrito is one of the major characters in the Missionary Max saga. Many pictures of islands have served as my inspiration for how it looks, such as the one below: As for the culture of Cabrito, I have no further to go than the island where…

Missionary Max

What People Are Saying about Missionary Max

It has been a couple weeks since the debut of The Astonishing Adventures of Missionary Max (part one of three parts), and we have been gratified by the number of people who have purchased it. Some have even left comments in various places, and these have been very encouraging as well. Here are a couple…

Why Missionary Max?
Missionary Max | Writings

Why Missionary Max?

Beginning tomorrow you will be able to follow the adventures of Missionary Max here on this blog. Several years ago I made a brief foray into fiction, trying to write the chapters of the story as I went. After a short period of time I abandoned this as impractical. For the last two years I…