More Construction Progress
I stopped by the Ebenézer construction site today. The builders were hard at work. There is a chance that they will be putting the roof on by this weekend.
Our current church-plant in São Luís. Stay up to date on what God is doing in this ministry.
I stopped by the Ebenézer construction site today. The builders were hard at work. There is a chance that they will be putting the roof on by this weekend.
The latest pictures from the Ebenézer construction site.
Here are some random pictures of yesterday’s Children’s Day event at Ebenezer: Source: initial
With the lofty theme “Post Tenebras Lux” (After darkness, light), the Ebenezer church realized its third annual conference. Pastor Richard C. PIatt II, of our sending church in Lakeland, Florida, brought messages that focused on the five “solas” of the reformation and applied them to our everyday lives. Pastor Piatt speaking, and “yours truly” translating….
This month it was our privilege to welcome seven new members into the Ebenezer Regular Baptist Church: four by transferral, and three by baptism. The new members being interviewed by the Ebenezer church family. Brenno being baptized. Sara being baptized. Adliane being baptized. There are two more people going through our baptismal classes, with baptisms…
Still playing “catch up” with long overdue posts. Here are a few pics from the New Years event the Ebenezer congregation held at the farm of one of our members. The ladies, gathering at the kitchen. Abreu and Rickson Delcy showing the piglet to the kids. Mikey and the piglet, who I affectionately called “bacon”….
Going back through my photo archives, I realized I never posted updates of a couple key events in the life of the Ebenezer congregation–the first of these being the Christmas program. Our congregation really pulled out the stops to make this presentation a success, as can be seen from the pictures below. We had a…
Two weeks ago we were treated to a special number by some of the children at Ebenézer. Here, finally, is the video: ***If you open the post on one page, you can see the whole thing*** The Astonishing Adventures of Missionary Max, Parts 1, 2 and 3 are now available for Kindle and Nook!
This past Sunday marked our first ever service at the Ebenezer Regular Baptist Congregation. The name “Ebenezer” was chosen due to it’s meaning (hitherto hath the Lord helped us). The fact that it is the Brazilian title of my all-time-favorite hymn (Come Thou Fount) may have also entered into the considerations. Whatever the case, the…
The following are excerpts from our most recent prayer letter. You can read the whole thing here. The past month and a half has been for us–without a doubt–the most difficult of our ministry since we arrived in Brazil. Our walk through the valley began on April 2nd, when our beloved co-worker Francisco Bezerra was…