Camp Milestone: First Pastors and Wives Retreat
As Itacyara and I look back on last weekend, our hearts are full as we contemplate how almost a decade of investment, blood, sweat, and tears have finally paid off in the form of a Pastors and Wives retreat at the Mount Zion Baptist Camp.
And as of two weeks ago it wasn’t even on our calendar.
The idea germinated one fine sunshiny day as I stood over a barbecue pit with a couple of co-workers. I told them of how I was planning to go to the camp in a couple weeks to restart the projects that had been suspended due to the pandemic. One of them mentioned that he had been talking with his wife about taking their family to spend a day at the camp. The other pastor thought that would be a great idea, and before I knew it, one thing led to another and all of our pastors were planning on spending the weekend with us at the camp.
The result was a time of fellowship and edification that couldn’t possibly have been better had we planned it months in advance. Here are some pictures.

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