
Meet Me in São Luís: A Feira do Livro

This post is part of an ongoing series which seeks to introduce the readership of this blog to the many fascinating aspects of one of Brazil’s best-kept secrets–the city of São Luís. A book fair within walking distance of the beach. Heaven must be something like this. Soon after we arrived I in São Luís…

Blast From The Past

Small Group Bible Studies

I have mentioned before our intention to start small group Bible studies here in São Luís using the Lamplighters International material and methodology. By God’s grace, our first small group, which meets every Monday morning at 9:30, has made it through the very first book–an in-depth look at Romans 1-6. After we finished the final…

An Historic Missionary Conference

An Historic Missionary Conference

Historic, because in the history of our association of churches here in Maranhão (roughly 30 years), there has never been an event like it. All of our churches got together and organized an event that was for…all the churches. And it encouraged us greatly that the event was a missionary conference. For the conference we…

Funny | Writings

That Brush with Death

In my last post I mentioned a “brush with death” on our way back from the MAB missionary conference last week. Several people have asked about it, so here–without further ado–is how it went down. Thirty-nine years is somewhat of a milestone–if for no other reason than that it is the last birthday before forty….


Adventures in the Sertão

Yesterday Pastor Francisco and I returned, safe and sound, from a whirlwind tour of the states of Piaui, Pernambuco, Bahia, and Ceará. The occasion was the annual conference of MAB, the Baptist Auxiliary Mission here in NE Brazil. Pastor Francisco is a MAB missionary, and I am on the advisory board. This year’s conference was…

Missionary Max

What People Are Saying about Missionary Max

It has been a couple weeks since the debut of The Astonishing Adventures of Missionary Max (part one of three parts), and we have been gratified by the number of people who have purchased it. Some have even left comments in various places, and these have been very encouraging as well. Here are a couple…


Lego Creations

I came home the other night to find Mikey and his neighborhood friends gathered around the table, busily putting together some Lego creations. I was impressed with the detail and creativeness they demonstrated. Here are some of the finished products: Not sure what’s it’s called, but it’s got Jar Jar Binks, and that’s all that…

The Showdown on Ze Bom Bom Hill
Brazil | Church Plant

The Showdown on Ze Bom Bom Hill

Behind our Kerigma congregation stretches a sizable neighborhood called “Coroadinho”. It is known as a hotbed of crime and violence. Within this neighborhood–and within sight of our church–is a hill named after a colorful figure from Coroadinho’s past known as “Ze Bom Bom”. If Coroadinho is a hurricane of crime, Ze Bom Bom hill is…

Juventude Kerigma
Church Plant

Juventude Kerigma

When we decided to dedicate our efforts to graduating the Kerigma church plant, one of the areas we observed where we could make the biggest impact was in the youth group. When we arrived, the congregation had various children’s ministries, but no real youth program. As a result, over the last five years many children…