
Passing of a Servant of God

Frank Jertberg It was October, 2005. Itacyara, Mikey and I were at Fellowship Batist Church in Lakeland, saying our final goodbyes before embarking on our Brazilian adventure. After the hugs and tears, I was about to walk out the door when an old friend–veteran missionary of many years in Brazil–motioned for me to come over….

Blast From The Past

Northeast Region Conference, 2012

Baptist Mid-Missions missionaries from Northeast Brazil: Triunfo, 2012 In the last post I told of how I was in the city of Triunfo for the Northeast Regional Conference of Baptist Mid Missions of Brazil. We hold this event ever year, and it is always a great time of refreshment and encouragement. Since our arrival in…


Photos from Triunfo

The annual conference of our BMM Northeast Region was held in the city of Triunfo, Pernambuco this year. (More about the conference later…) I was able to spend an afternoon in this charming historical city with Tim and Vicki Reiner, and get some interesting pictures. (Thanks Tim and Vicki for the use of your camera!)…


Happy New Year!

Yeah, I know, it’s a couple days late. My excuse is that we were on an island in the middle of the Sobradinho reservoir in Bahia. Internet access was “iffy”. The occasion was the New Years retreat (or Retiro da Virada, in Portuguese). Thanks to my friend Júnior (our camera is operating at a less…


Meet Me in São Luís: Feliz Natal

This post is part of an ongoing series which seeks to introduce the readership of this blog to the many fascinating aspects of one of Brazil’s best-kept secrets–the city of São Luís. The city of São Luís has gone all out in their Christmas decorations. While I have been unable to photograph many of the…