Blast From The Past

Ebenezer Update: Purchase of Property

We have been sitting on this news until such a time as we could make a definitive announcement. Now that details have fallen into place, I feel comfortable making it official. On Monday, Lord wiling, we will be signing on a piece of property for the Ebenezer congregation. This big step comes following a lot…

Blast From The Past

Team NER

A few days ago I posted a picture of the attendees of our annual Baptist Mid Missions do Brazil conference. This is the second of two conferences that we attend in a year. The first is the Northeast Regional conference, made up of the missionaries who serve in the northeastern section of Brazil. Resident shutterbug…

Blast From The Past


As I mentioned before, last week was our annual Baptist Mid Missions do Brasil conference, where BMM missionaries from all over Brazil gather for three days of edification and business meetings. This year we had the immense privilege of hearing messages brought by one Harold H. Comings…aka Dad. The above picture was taken by our…

Blast From The Past

A Super Visit

Many of you–especially those who follow us on Facebook–know that my parents are here for a visit. Dad spoke last week at the annual conference of our BMMB field, and now they are with us for the next few weeks. The adventures have been plenteous, and they have snapped some great pictures, many of which…

Missionary Max

Max Moment: Review and More

First, please check out the very nice review by Mary over at Walking The Walk. Also, don’t miss the giveaway opportunity. Second, let the trumpets sound and the villagers rejoice, I have just sent the manuscript for the second Missionary Max adventure to the publishers. Can I get a w00t? And, lest we forget, you…

Brazil | Church Plant

Happy New Year (…bear with me here)

Still playing “catch up” with long overdue posts. Here are a few pics from the New Years event the Ebenezer congregation held at the farm of one of our members. The ladies, gathering at the kitchen. Abreu and Rickson Delcy showing the piglet to the kids. Mikey and the piglet, who I affectionately called “bacon”….