Blast From The Past

A Visit From Afar

If you have been following our posts at all, you know that for the last month my parents, Harold and Judy Comings, have been visiting us here in Brazil. To say that it has been a great time would be a tremendous understatement. Mom and Dad’s presence has been encouraging, uplifting, and edifying.
As we only see them every two years or so while we are on the field, we try hard to make the most of every visit. Dad not only spoke at our missionary conference in Petrolina, but also in several venues here in São Luís. Mom spoke to the ladies at the Boas Novas church.
Dad and I speaking at the Boas Novas church
And then there was the down-time with the grandkids. They got to see our boys’ schools, and participate in Michael’s passage ceremony with the Scouts. Grandpa helped Michael make a working volcano, and Grandma taught him how to make cinnamon rolls. Both Grandma and Grandpa gave Nathanael the needed incentive to improve his English.
Mikey and Grandma making cinnamon rolls
Today we took them to the airport for their trip back to the US. Amid tearful goodbyes, we were grateful for this extended time with them. I and my brothers are truly blessed to have parents such as these, and our sons have the greatest grandparents in the world!
Grandpa and Grandma at the airport with Mikey and Nathanael

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