Trump, Bolsonaro, and the Alcântara Launch Center
Brazil | Writings

Trump, Bolsonaro, and the Alcântara Launch Center

On Tuesday Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro visited US President Trump in Washington. The visit, of course, generated much press here in Brazil, and in the US as well. Amidst all the hoopla, the two presidents hammered out several agreements, all of which can be found here. Among said agreements is this one: Now, there is…

Missionary Max Goes to School
Missionary Max

Missionary Max Goes to School

The students of Portage Christian School in Portage, Indiana (love the logo!) will now be able to immerse themselves in the wild missionary adventures of Missionary Max. Both Missionary Max and the Jungle Princess and Missionary Max and the Lost City have been added to the school library. We can’t help but think that these…

Bread for My Friends (Luke 6:1-5)

Bread for My Friends (Luke 6:1-5)

So I got up this morning intent on posting the next segment in our series in Luke. After finishing, I went back and discovered that I had already posted a devotional about this passage! Chalk it up to old age. However, I said some things differently here, and came at it from a different perspective,…

Camp Update: Let There Be Light! (More Photos Added)

Camp Update: Let There Be Light! (More Photos Added)

Nathanael and I spent this last Tuesday and Wednesday at the camp, where the work on the electrical installation continues. Usually I take Michael, but this time I decided it was time for some “Dad and NayNay” time, and he was actually a big help. For example, he figured out how to assemble the toilet…

The Best of “The Gram”
Church Plant

The Best of “The Gram”

Here are some of the pictures that have graced our Instagram account over the last few weeks. Enjoy! View this post on Instagram A post shared by Andrew Comings (@andrewcomings) This is from a recent church event. You can read about it here. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Andrew Comings (@andrewcomings)…

Missions is a Walk in the Park
Church Plant

Missions is a Walk in the Park

Well…sometimes…missions is a walk in the park, if by that you mean an actual walk in the park. Let’s back up a little. It started with just me. In my never-ending quest to get my weight down to where it should be, I took up running. This was back in November. Most days my running…

Camp Update: Powering Up, Part 1

Camp Update: Powering Up, Part 1

On Monday I took two guys from São Luís out to the camp, and together we fixed some problems with the water grid, and began the process of putting putting the power grid in place. This is the first step towards two major goals we have for the camp in 2019: installing the power grid…

Fresh Scenes from São Luís
São Luís

Fresh Scenes from São Luís

One of the things we try to do here from time to time is acquaint our readers with the part of the world God has called us to minister. Yesterday we came across this Instagram account which features some great pictures of São Luís. Scroll down and enjoy. View this post on Instagram A post…

Missionary Max and the Lost City: Sample
Missionary Max | Writings

Missionary Max and the Lost City: Sample

The following is chapter 32 of Missionary Max and the Lost City, entitled Gun Control. It features brand-new original art by artist-extraordinaire Zilson Costa. Tanawehe, Max, Ilana, and Mary Sue stood at a curve in the canyon. Before them was a rock wall that rose several hundred feet into the air. The rock wall on…