Ebenézer Construction: The Beginnings of the Top Floor
The latest pictures from the Ebenézer construction site.
The latest pictures from the Ebenézer construction site.
Back when I was first pastor of the Ebenezer church it was our custom to have some sort of church picnic/retreat every year. This year we decided to renew that tradition, and for the first time our retreat was held at Mount Zion Camp. We had thirty-six people in attendance, including several non-believing friends and…
The Missão Auxiliadora Batista, or MAB, is a Brazilian mission agency that exists to provide infrastructure to Brazilian missionaries working in Brazil. During our first term it was my privilege to serve on the board of this mission agency. It is with great price, therefore, that I can announce that Francivaldo (center), the young man…
Two tragedies mark our last five years, one at the beginning, and one at the end. The first was the murder of our friend and co-worker Francisco Bezerra. The second was the sudden death of friend and church-member Athyla Gabrielle in a motorcycle accident. That tragedy took place one year ago today. There is no…
Just got a fresh batch of pictures of the Ebenezer construction project…had to share!
We’ve covered a lot of ground since our last snapshots post. Here are some pictures, which, as always, you can see in “real time” by following us on Instagram. ___________________ Did you enjoy this post? Consider making a donation to our ministry in Brazil. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This means…
Links in this episode: Holy Spittle Growing the Church, One Baby at a Time The Command of the Master Killing Goliath Tense Moments at a Brazilian Shopping Mall Clumsy Cyclist Motorcycle Skeleton Five Famous Brazilians An Open Letter to Charles Krauthammer