Missing my Friend

Missing my Friend

This happened four years ago today. The wound is still surprisingly fresh. Did you enjoy this post? Consider making a donation to our ministry in Brazil. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.. This means that clicking on these Amazon links and making purchases is one way you can help our work. Also,…

Youth Rally in São Luís
Church Plant

Youth Rally in São Luís

One of the most frustrating aspects of furlough is being “away from the action”, so to speak. We see things going on in Brazil, and want to be in the middle of it. Having said that, it is at the same time extremely gratifying to see God continue to bless the work there. These are…

One Year…
Church Plant

One Year…

Two tragedies mark our last five years, one at the beginning, and one at the end. The first was the murder of our friend and co-worker Francisco Bezerra. The second was the sudden death of friend and church-member Athyla Gabrielle in a motorcycle accident. That tragedy took place one year ago today. There is no…

Saying Goodbye to Ebenezer
Church Plant

Saying Goodbye to Ebenezer

Very possibly the hardest thing to do before leaving for furlough (I’m writing this from Bartow, Florida), was saying goodbye (even temporarily) to the group of people that has become the largest part of our lives over the last three years: the Ebenézer Regular Baptist Church. They didn’t make it any easier on us, either,…

Michael’s Final March
Family News | São Luís

Michael’s Final March

For the past three years Michael has studied at the Tiradentes Military School here in São Luís. As we prepare for furlough, we go through a series of “lasts”, and yesterday was Michael’s last march with his platoon of schoolmates. Michael seemed to take it all in stride (yes, I know), but I must admit…