The First Drone Video
Family News

The First Drone Video

Back in 2016 we were given a drone by one of our supporting churches. Since then I have been slowly learning how to use it. Here is a video I took from our back yard. In it you can see our house, a little shed that sits to the side of the house, our neighbor’s…

Ebenezer Parsonage: Finished Product
Church Plant

Ebenezer Parsonage: Finished Product

Almost since our arrival back on the field, we have been working on making the upstairs parsonage/apartment livable for our associate pastor, Francivaldo. A couple months ago he was able to move in, but I don’t believe I ever posted pictures of how it turned out…until now.

Good Pizza and Great Plans
Church Plant

Good Pizza and Great Plans

Last night Pastor Francivaldo and I met with the leadership of the Ebenezer youth group at a local pizza parlor. There, around three magnificent pies, we listened to the ideas and dreams of the young people for their group, and set forth our philosophy of church/youth ministry. Look for great things to come from this group of…

Raising the Roof
Church Plant

Raising the Roof

When we returned from our furlough in January we found several issues that needed to be cared for in the church construction project. By far the biggest and most urgent of these was the roof. Fixing this involved building up one side of the structure in order to put in clay tiles (as opposed to…