Growing the Church, One Baby at a Time
Church Plant

Growing the Church, One Baby at a Time

Last night I got to do one of my favorite things in ministry: present a newborn baby to the church family. Little Angelo Miguel was born a little over two weeks ago, and his parents, Jadson and Maria, brought him to church for the first time last night. Together with his parents, our congregation solemnly…

2017 Ebenezer Conference: The Reformation Continues
Church Plant

2017 Ebenezer Conference: The Reformation Continues

The Ebenezer Regular Baptist Church was happy to have Pastor Brian King and his wife, Judy, as our special speakers for the 2017 conference. With the theme “The Reformation Continues”, Pastor King brought messages that applied Reformation principles to the everyday lives of believers. We were also blessed by several special musical numbers, and a…

A Window on the Church
Church Plant

A Window on the Church

No, not some profound ecclesiastical pondering. It’s literally a window on the (our) church. We are putting in the windows and doors in the upstairs apartment at our church building. Here is some of what the process looks like. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.. This means that clicking on these Amazon…

Good Pizza and Great Plans
Church Plant

Good Pizza and Great Plans

Last night Pastor Francivaldo and I met with the leadership of the Ebenezer youth group at a local pizza parlor. There, around three magnificent pies, we listened to the ideas and dreams of the young people for their group, and set forth our philosophy of church/youth ministry. Look for great things to come from this group of…

Raising the Roof
Church Plant

Raising the Roof

When we returned from our furlough in January we found several issues that needed to be cared for in the church construction project. By far the biggest and most urgent of these was the roof. Fixing this involved building up one side of the structure in order to put in clay tiles (as opposed to…

Pastor Francivaldo
Church Plant

Pastor Francivaldo

Last Sunday marked the fulfillment of a dream over four years in the making. Four years ago the fledgling Ebenezer church plant sent one of its most helpful young men, Francivaldo, to Bible college. We believed then that we were making an investment in the future of the kingdom – an investment that involved sacrifice, as…

Thanksgiving at Ebenezer–not what you think
Blast From The Past

Thanksgiving at Ebenezer–not what you think

Brazilian churches have a tradition that their American counterparts might want to consider adopting. When a member of the church receives a blessing, or an answer to prayer, they often call the church together–either in their home or at the church building itself–for a thanksgiving service. This is a sweet, genuine expression of gratefulness, and…

Francivaldo Joins MAB
Church Plant

Francivaldo Joins MAB

The Missão Auxiliadora Batista, or MAB, is a Brazilian mission agency that exists to provide infrastructure to Brazilian missionaries working in Brazil. During our first term it was my privilege to serve on the board of this mission agency. It is with great price, therefore, that I can announce that Francivaldo (center), the young man…

News from Ebenézer: Youth Fellowship
Church Plant

News from Ebenézer: Youth Fellowship

Hot off the presses! As I write this I am receiving pictures and reports from the Ebenezer young people about the area youth fellowship meeting held at our new facilities. Not only was there great fellowship and preaching, but a new directory was elected from among the young people. The president-elect is a young man…

Buried with Christ…Risen with Christ
Church Plant

Buried with Christ…Risen with Christ

On Saturday three young people were baptized at the Ebenezer congregation, giving public testimony to their faith in Christ. Rejoice with us, and pray for Lucas, Adrianna, and Amanda as they continue to live out their Christian faith in an increasingly hostile world.