It’s been over a month since our last “snapshots” post, so we have a little catching up to do. Of course, if you follow us on Instagram, you are up to date on our activities since we temporarily set aside our regular postings here. If not, well, here’s what you missed.
My parents, Harold and Judy Comings, were able to visit us for three weeks in August. These times with family are rare, and for this reason, more precious.Three generations of Comings men.While Dad was here we were able to finalize the translation of a Bible study he wrote on finding the will of God. We aim to get this published here in Brazil in the near future.Last month Nathanael and two other young people from the Ebenezer church went before the congregation as candidates for baptism. You can read about their baptism, as well as other cool things that happened at the church retreat, here.The truck continues to earn its keep, whether it’s taking building supplies to help a single mom in the interior build her home……or hauling supplies to camp – in this case tires for a retention wall at the swimming hole.New Testament Survey class at the Bible InstitutePlanning meeting for EBET (an online theological training project).Itacyara with her ladies Bible study group.In the beginning of September I was privileged to preach a series at one of our local churches on “The Wonders of Heaven”. Here I am pointing in the general direction…At that conference Itacyara brought a series of lessons to the kids on the same subject.Our kids club continues to go strong. A few of these young people have begun to attend the regular services of the church.Snack time is a favorite.Saying goodbye to Dad and Mom was not fun, but on their last morning here we got to spend some time relaxing on the beach.Another highlight of the past few days…this get-together on the beach (where else?) with several of the young people from our area churches…including a good turn-out from Ebenezer.A friend in the US sent me her stamp collection, and I’ve been having a blast integrating it into mine. Itacyara can’t wait for me to be done so she can have her dining room back.A personal achievement: selon Duolingo, je parle français.Our cat “Squeak” – ever vigilant!
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Saturday was a great day in the life of the Ebenezer congregation. Let me explain: When we returned to pastor the church back in January one of the major needs we identified was for a ministry to young people. With that in mind we began our re-instituted a soccer ministry begun by Pastor Francivaldo, and…
The Missão Auxiliadora Batista, or MAB, is a Brazilian mission agency that exists to provide infrastructure to Brazilian missionaries working in Brazil. During our first term it was my privilege to serve on the board of this mission agency. It is with great price, therefore, that I can announce that Francivaldo (center), the young man…
As a missionary with a vital stake in the trends that periodically sweep the Western theological and ecclesiastical landscape, I have been following with interest the growth of a “woke” or “diversity” or “critical race” discussion that has taken place over the past several years. If I can be allowed to summarize a very complex…
One of the more encouraging features of the Ebenezer Baptist Church is how they have rolled up their sleeves and taken ownership of raising funds for their building. I say this because it is not every mission work that takes this kind of initiative. An example of this “can do” attitude was seen last weekend,…
On Monday I took two guys from São Luís out to the camp, and together we fixed some problems with the water grid, and began the process of putting putting the power grid in place. This is the first step towards two major goals we have for the camp in 2019: installing the power grid…
Let’s start with Ebenezer. On Sunday we had our first full service of the New Year, which coincided with our first regular service under our new tent. Here is a little video, featuring also the return of my saxophone after several months of hiatus. Now on to camp. On Tuesday we took a day to…