Nathanael on the Zip Line
Guts and glory!
Guts and glory!
Another video from our recent missionary conference, this one of three young people, all from different churches, presenting a special number. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.. This means that clicking on these Amazon links and making purchases is one way you can help our work. Also, don’t forget to check out…
The following is an excerpt from our most recent prayer letter: I wish I could transmit to you the beautiful scene I witnessed at the cemetery on Wednesday. After the short devotional the casket containing Pastor Francisco’s mortal remains was wheeled out of the little chapel and towards the grave site. The crowd (and it…
Here are some of the pictures from our Instagram account for this month. All were taken by me. Feel free to share! My pics A photo posted by Andrew Comings (@andrewcomings) on Aug 10, 2015 at 6:38pm PDT One of the many ancient buildings in a state of elegant decay to be found in São…
Brazilian churches have a tradition that their American counterparts might want to consider adopting. When a member of the church receives a blessing, or an answer to prayer, they often call the church together–either in their home or at the church building itself–for a thanksgiving service. This is a sweet, genuine expression of gratefulness, and…
Almost every year we have been in Brazil we have hosted at least one church missions team. This year we hosted two. The first team was from Open Bible Baptist Church in Orange City, Florida, led by Pastor Paul Youmans. They were followed–almost immediately–by a group from Grace Baptist Church in Batavia, NY, led by…
A few days ago a friend from the US contacted me with the following question, part of an assignment for a college course he is taking on missions: Did you run across any problems when you first became a missionary, primarily equating the foreign culture with your own? Were there any setbacks if so? If…