Ministry Update: A Pleasant Season in Church Planting and Back to Sunday School
A Pleasant Season in Church Planting
Anybody who has ever claimed that church planting is easy has never, ever planted a church. That being said, Itacyara and I are experiencing a time of limited responsibility and great blessing – the “broad sunlit uplands” so to speak, of the church plant process. Specifically, we are in a phase where the pastoral responsibility has been passed on to my successor, Pastor Francivaldo, and our other duties (educational, administrative, etc) have been taken over by members of the church while we focus on preparing for our upcoming furlough.

Not that we do nothing, of course. Itacyara is still teaching a group of young baptismal candidates. I fill in where needed, when needed. Both of us participate in the music ministry.
But mostly we get to watch the seed we planted seven years ago bloom into a full-grown plant – and that is an immense pleasure. The fact that the plant was watered by our blood sweat and tears only adds sweetness to the moment.
Back to Sunday School
We are also thrilled that Covid restrictions have been lifted to the extent that Ebenezer is once again able to begin its Sunday School program. Last Sunday was the first day back. As January is a month when many travel, attendance was a little slim. Nevertheless, it felt good to be back.
A few pictures:

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