Mikey on the March
I’ve been meaning to post this for a while…Michael in formation at the military school. Very cool!
I’ve been meaning to post this for a while…Michael in formation at the military school. Very cool!
A few days ago a friend from the US contacted me with the following question, part of an assignment for a college course he is taking on missions: Did you run across any problems when you first became a missionary, primarily equating the foreign culture with your own? Were there any setbacks if so? If…
It’s finally here, folks! The Kindle version of your favorite missionary adventure. You can order it here for the low low price of $4.99, and be reading it within seconds. So what are you waiting for? Did you enjoy this post? Consider making a donation to our ministry in Brazil. As an Amazon Associate I…
Links in this episode: Holy Spittle Growing the Church, One Baby at a Time The Command of the Master Killing Goliath Tense Moments at a Brazilian Shopping Mall Clumsy Cyclist Motorcycle Skeleton Five Famous Brazilians An Open Letter to Charles Krauthammer
Many of the faithful readers of this blog and supporters of this ministry are aware that we were able to purchase a piece of property for the Ebenezer church plant. We were blessed by the generosity of our Brazilian brethren and the members of our fledgling congregation. On Saturday, Lord willing, we will be clearing…
Good News for Me Brazil likes foreigners…kind of. From the Depths A digital re-creation of the sinking of the Titanic. The More the Merrier Who is the presidential candidate with a more polygamous background? Hint: It might not be the Mormon guy. And on a Similar Vein How different are Mormonism and Islam, really? How…
Since versions of this are going around the internet like wildfire, I thought I would post this one, which–in keeping with the general theme of this blog–features Brazilian artists: